Saturday, July 22, 2006

More Good News!!!

I just got some more good news in the mail...I passed the NJ School Leadership Test and can now apply for my Principal certification! While I do not plan on going into administration in the next tear or two, it is a great sigh of relief to be "done" with it. As anyone in education knows - it really never ends. In NJ you are required to get a required number of professional development hours every three years. It can be a bit annoying at times.

On another note: I have added more designs to There are new designs for teachers and for Kazakhstani kids! I also updated the look of the shop. I think it looks pretty fun and whimsical. Be sure to check it out!


Chris Sapp said...

As an educator, I know all too well the never ending cycle of learning...which of course isn't a bad thing, but it never ends. It's alot different know that I have my two babies here with me. I'm a lot less inclined to take that class...I just want to spend time with them :-)


Suz said...

Congratulations on getting that next step completed on your way up the "ladder." I know that it had to have been hard work. So a big "way to go."