Friday, April 13, 2007

No News...

It looks like we are just going to have to wait until Tuesday for the big decision. Fine by me...I just wish I didn't have my hopes raised that we would have an answer by today. Everything looks 100% in our favor, but I do not want to get my hopes up and be even more devastated than I already am. Let's just all hope that they do what is best for Stephen. They would be sealing his fate if they allow him to stay here.

Sveta coaxed me into going to the park and zoo today. It really is a catch-22...I hate being cooped up in the apartment, but I also nearly burst into tears when we are out and I see all the mom's walking their babies in the nice weather. It literally feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. But it was good for me to just be out and chat with Sveta.

Almagul stopped by tonight and we talked a lot about the case and just a few other things. It helps when she and Sveta spend time just hanging out. Thank God I at least have very good people around me. Everyone has been great. I get frustrated by the process, but I know they are doing everything in their power and all working extra hard for us.

I have been praying and praying all the time. I know so many others who are praying with me and I am grateful for that. Let's just hope God hears our prayers and lifts Stephen up out of this mess and into our arms.


Dana said...

I am glad to hear everything is going in your favor so far and also glad to hear you are remaining calm and not getting your hope too high, I would be doing the same thing. I have to believe with all the people praying for your family things will go well. We are all with you!


Heidi said...

I'm glad to hear you were able to get out today. I'm sure it would be hard to be cooped up all day. I understand what you meant about seeing other moms with their babies. That is how I felt when I was struggling with infertility. For a while I just shut down- I stopped going to baby showers or birthdays (even if it was for my friends) and stayed home because I couldn't bear to see everyone else having their dream fulfilled while mine was not being answered. Just know I am praying that your arms will not be empty for much longer! I cannot wait to hear the answer!

6blessings said...

Praying too.

Karla said...

Dear Dawn: oh, 3 more days...I am sure that you must feel like the disciples did when Jesus was crucified...and, on that Good-for-us-Friday, they didn't know that "Sunday's comming"!! So, I hope that for the next few days, your in-country staff will continue to be with you and nurture you and help you thru these very difficult days. I am praying for you and Joe and Stephen...Love and hugs to you, Karla