Friday, September 22, 2006


Well, my blogfriend, Muriel, motivated me to write! My students had the word humdrum as one of their vocabulary words this week - that is how things feel right now. Work has preocupied my mind and been a blessing. During the summer I really started to think I was losing my mind :-)

I am so happy that another friend in blogland is home with her beautiful daughter! They are as happy as can be and I feel blessed to have watched their journey unfold. Another blogfriend recently arrived and has her daughter - hooray!!! Lisa definately deserves the joy she is experiencing right now. She went through many ups and downs throughout this journey! God bless you and your dauhghter, Lisa...she is a sweet angel.

It seems that people travel in waves. Sometimes it seems lik everyone is traveling and other times it feels like nothing is happening out there in Adoption World. We are all just sitting in the waiting room trying to occupy ourselves :-)

I am getting pretty nervous about the finances. It really will hit hard for us both to be without a paycheck for such an extended period of time. My hubby is worried about work since unlike me he cannot get a sub :-) He works for a small company and they will surly feel his absence. I am praying for a few things right now: an expedited LOI, our son to be in a good region, and for the waiting period to be waved by the judge when we are there.

I am also worried about our cat! Seems crazy, right? She is a spoiled kitty and we will be leaving her behind for longer than she has EVER been without us. My MIL will be here to feed her, etc...but she is used to being with us ever second when we are home. Poor baby! She'll probably be soooo mad at us when we come home - and when I arrive with a baby in tow she'll really be upset - lol.

So, not much to report. I just remembered one other person scheduled to travel soon. I'm going to go check her blog and see if she left yet. I hope everyone has a great weekend and gets some good news in the coming week!!!


The Cook said...

Thank you my dear. Glad to see you are alive. I wish I had a crystal ball. I know the region we are most likely ging to never waive the waiting period but I will keep my fingers crossed for you. The time away from work is freaking me out too. It is soo hard to plan for all the expenses. I guess if we end up poor...we will definatly be living on love once we have our little princess.

Maggie said...

I feel the same way, Dawn. On one hand I'm elated for all the people who are moving forward and completing adoptions. I truly couldn't be happier for them. But on the other hand, I wish I was right there with them. Our time will come.

Melissa said...

Margaret, you took the words right out of my mouth. Hey Dawn, you have to add your 2 cents to my new blog I posted. I know you can sympathize.

The Zalomski Adoption said...

Don't worry Dawn. You will be there soon and this will all be a blur. I know it takes a long time and the process is expensive but it will come together and you will be so happy when you have your child and see him blossom in front of your eyes...Keep your chin up and think postive...

Suz said...

You're invited to be a part of the new "Blog-Pals connection" Come visit my blog for the explanation of what Blog-Pals is all about!

Jennefer said...

It does seem like it is feast or famine in the adoption world.

I received one of your bears from your fundraiser as a gift and I love it! I referred others to it in my blog. I hope you get some business!

Chris Sapp said...

Hang in there, Dawn! Glad to see the paperchase is over. It won't be long now.... I'll be so excited to follow your journey :-)

Jackie said...

I saw your site through Janine's and just came to say "Hello!"

We adopted domestically, so it didn't take all that paperwork...God LOVE ya!!! That's just crazy!

I know what you mean about $$$! I'm an RN, so I was making pretty good...and then we brought home not 1, but TWO boys! I just tell myself there are a LOT of things I can do w/, cable, pepsi, certain 'comfort foods/, etc....we waited this long for kids, I'm not going to stick them in day care!! That adoption loan will get paid off....eventually! (maybe by college?! ~laughing~
