The kitchen table.
There are a few the toilet, but I am having some computer trouble. Overall, it is okay...not in American standards, but better than we expected. I am going to try and get those other pictures posted asap.
We went to the grocery store. They have a lot of "typical" items just like the US. We picked up a few items like pasta and sauce, bread, cheese, pudding, yogurt, water and Green Tea for Joe :)
The worst part was the flights. Lufthansa had good customer service and no delays or problems, but you are squished in like a sardine! There is no leg room at all. It is exhausting just getting on and off planes for 24 hours.
Nigmat was very nice and explained everything in detail. Our translator here, Sveta, is very sweet and our driver, Boolat, is very upbeat and outgoing. We are very happy about this since we will be with them 7-8 hours a day!
We will meet our coordinator, Amagul, tomorrow night. Unfortunately, we are not going to the orphanage until Thursday because we can't go without her. She is stuck in Astana right now :(
Looks good. Hang in there. Thursday will come soon.
The place looks great. When we were there we were in a hotel, you will love the extra room and being able to eat in if you want to.
I know Thursday can't come quick enough, Good luck and I can't wait to hear about your first meeting with your son! Kathy
We had Alma as our cord. also, she is EXECLLENT with her paperwork. We never had any problems with her taking care of us, and she is really a sweet person. Everyone that has her working with them is really blessed. I'm glad you are finally there and will meet your son soon.
Shannon B.
I'm so glad you are there safe & sound!
Oh - the memories start pouring in! Good ol' Ust! We worked with Alma as well and liked her very much...please tell her the Sapps say hello :-) We also worked with Bulat as a driver when we were in Almaty and found him to be very pleasant as well. Can't wait to hear about the first time you lay eyes on your baby! Thursday, Thursday, Thursday!!!!!!!!!
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