Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Counting the Hours (Again)

It is Wednesday evening here. I can't wait to get to court...never thought I would say that in my lifetime - lol. Joe and I and our family and friends are feeling positive about our case. Inna may not even show up tomorrow. We also got very positive feedback from God willing - this nightmare will end tomorrow. I miss our little boy so so much! I can't wait to hold him and kiss him and love him every minute!

I miss my husband soooooooooooo badly. I just want to get home with Stephen and move forward already. I certainly don't know why this has happened to us. There are a few positives that came from all of this though. I feel stronger...I don't think I will sweat the small stuff much after this ordeal. My relationship with God has become more personal...not to say I haven't had my share of "words" with Him - oh I have cried out to him far too many times to count since this adoption journey began. I certainly am not a perfect believer and my faith waivers many times, but I am trying my best. When I am afraid to trust Him - I just tell Him. All I can do is be honest.

So many of you have said this should be a book or movie. Hmmm...perhaps a Lifetime channel show - lol. Lord knows it has enough drama! Maybe we can make some money from it now that we are flat broke - lol.

Thank you ALL for your support, prayers, encouragement, phone calls and positive energy. It means the world to me and Joe to know we have so many people rooting for us and precious Stephen to become a family. I hope I can post a huge HOORAY tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Will be praying for a HUGE HORRAY message tomorrow from you. You are not forgotten or forsaken and you are being prayed for by many.


The 5 McGills said...

Dawn, you sound so strong and positive today. It's great to hear. We'll all just keep praying and lighting candles and hoping to see a big hooray message tomorrow. Debbie

Thad and Ann said...

I hope you can post a huge hooray too. :-) You sould so upbeat, I'm so happy you heard good news & I will be praying like crazy.

6blessings said...

You said you weren't perfect, but you were honest. I was just reading a book this morning that said that God doesn't want show, He truly wants honesty from us in our prayers and our lives. The psalmist many times cried out to God asking why and being upset with the Lord. Then he would reaffirm his trust in Him.

I think you are doing great! You are an incredibly strong person and I know that you will never be the same after all of this. Of course, I wish you didn't have to go through it all. I'll be looking forward to seeing the big hooray tomorrow. Remember God is Stephen's Defender! The prayers are continuing from many people here.

Suz and Matt said...

We're praying for a HOORAY tomorrow. Hope Inna is not there. You go girl!

Chris Goeppner said...

That was my thought about making a movie, make all of your money spent back!=)
It's the trials and tribulations in this life that strenghthen our faith and character. Although we hate going through it, we are usually changed for the better.
I am praying for a HUGE HORRAY tomorrow!

Ani said...

dawn - you are so strong, i can't imagine facing all this by myself, like you are doing. know that you are always in my prayers, as is your baby boy and the rest of your family.

Jeremy & Debbie Groh said...

I have been following your journey and can't believe all that you have been through. Know that we are praying for you and we feel really good about the outcome. Kazakh people want whats best for there children and you and Joe are whats best. Stay strong. Good luck tomorrow. I cant wait for you to say, "It's Official"!!!!!!
Deb, Jay, & Sean

Dana said...

I am hoping and praying for a HUGE HORRAY like crazy for you! I want you to come home with Stephen so badly. You sound like you are definely gaining strength and I'm so happy you can see something positive from all this. That is so important to help you get through it. Your determination is really amazing. Hugs.


Suz said...

Oh how I hope and pray too that tomorrow's post title will be Hooray and Hallelujah!

praying, praying, praying for you!

Karla said...

Dear Dawn: yes, adoption from KZ will change you and make you stronger...and, I like your observation that you will be less likely to "sweat the small stuff"...good for you, and thank you for the reminder to me, too. Here's hoping that all of us can toast you and Joe w/sparkling cider tomorrow...still praying, still hoping, still waiting on our Gracious God...who is there for us when He leads us thru the difficult times...Love, Karla

keoghclan said...

Dawn - big hugs to you. I like everyone else will sign on bright on early tomorrow morning (Canada time) and I so so hope you have gotten the good news you so deserve.

I can only imagine the pain of being away from Joe and Stephen is a physical one in your stomach. I so so hope you are going to turn the corner tomorrow to happy days!!

Regards and hugs

makandaddie said...

I'm holding my breath until tomorrow's post! I also have all of my fingers and toes crossed, so I'm quite a sight :) Good luck! Stay strong! We are there with you, not in person, but in thoughts.

Lisa Masse

tizzy said...

I'm waiting to here the words
"I have my boy"
I know in my heart that will be the posting tomorrow.
love and prayers are with you all
Here at WMS we are all pulling for you.

Kim said...

More prayers!! Now, after court, the order is - Call Joe - then blog. :) I'm waiting to get home from a business trip and plan on checking as soon as I get home!!!!!

Deb said...

I'm praying, believing and hoping for good news in the morning.

Melissa said...

I can't wait to see that big Hooray! Praying for you tonight.

Chelley said...

I am praying, crossing my fingers toes eyes... Wishing on every falling star that tomorrow will

BE the day of GREAT NEWS!!!!

You have inspired me... And you will others with your never ending faith!

Jenni said...

I'm hoping for a big HOORAY tomorrow too.

Brenda said...

We are getting ready for bed and will be praying with Zhenya. We will say a very special pray for you, Joe, and little Stephen tonight. Brenda

Unknown said...

We're going to stay up and pray and light a candle at your "court hour". We are anxiously waiting for your Hooray message! God has blessed you with termendous strength and will certainly bless you with a reunion with Stephen!

The Gaines

The Hollands said...

Dawn, may God make His light to shine upon you! Stephanie

Hawk said...

Hey Dawn,
I hope you get your hooray tomorrow too... I am praying for you and we prayed in small groups tonight during focus prayer time.

I hope Stephen gets to come home.

Kathy said...

Dawn, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. It is almost 10pm here so I know your court time must be approaching. Good luck!! Kathy

Hannah's Mom said...
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Sue said...

Dawn -
I am in the preschool dept at church on Wed. night with two more adoptive moms - and you have been prayed for by those of us who know your momma's heart. When we all get to eternity and see what God was up to and see each other and know for sure how each other's prayers held us together - what a day of rejoicing that will be!

Hannah's Mom said...


My family is praying for your family tonight as your court time approaches. We, like many others, will be up early to see your post.


Heidi said...

I'm still praying hard!! I tried to stay up last time and see what the results were, but I don't think I can stay up any longer tonight! I will say another prayer before I go to bed- God, please bring Stephen home!!

Lynda said...

I'm praying for your family now. Good luck!


The 5 McGills said...

You must be headed to court soon if you're not there already. I'm still praying for you and looking forward to your post-court message. Debbie

Andrea said...

When I can't be productive the way I really want to (in this case, going to court with you and making sure that all those judges know exactly where Stephen belongs!) I settle for cleaning. I dust, scrub, mop, change fish tank water and hamster bedding ... the works. Now, thanks to you, my apartment has never looked better! It doesn't help ease the worry much, but it gives me something to do while I pray.

I have to head to bed soon, but know that my heart is with you and Stephen in Kaz right now. May God use the decision, whatever it may be, to His glory and your good.


Unknown said...

Hi there
Crossing fingers & toes for you guys! You are probably in the middle of court right now .. So hoping for good news for you all.
Ashley in SA