Sunday, May 06, 2007

Praying for a Court Date Around the Corner

It is Monday morning in Kazakhstan so Almagul will be heading off to court in a few hours for a "preliminary" hearing. No decisions will be made, but the official court date will be set. I am really not clear about what occurs at this preliminary hearing, but we are assuming it is a "briefing" of sorts. I do know that all the people involved and those who wrote letters about Inna's character must appear in court, so perhaps that will be discussed as well. We hope to have some news in the morning before we leave for work. Our hope is that the court date is not too far off and is within a week or two.

I go back to work in the morning. I am pretty nervous...not sure why - I guess I just don't want to deal with anything right now and disciplining middle school students approaching summer vacation is always the events in my personal life will only magnify that challenge.

Hopefully, I have a court date to post tomorrow. We miss Stephen so, so much.


Erica H said...

Praying for good news in the morning! :)

Anonymous said...

Praying you hear of a court date sooner then later and news that things look in your favor to return to bring Stephen home where he needs to me. Praying your day at work goes well too.


Suz said...

I hope you'll have great news soon! Praying ever still!