Friday, June 15, 2007

A Typical Conversation...

Here is a glimpse into my life right now:

Person: "Have you heard anything?"

ME: "No."

Person: "Do you know when you can go back?"

ME: "No."

Person: "When you do finally go...will you have to do that whole 15 day waiting period again?"

ME: "I don't know."

Person: "Will you have to stay there for a while again?"

ME: "I don't know."

Person: "Will you have to go to court again?"

ME: "I don't know."

Person: "Do you know if Inna had a boy or a girl?"

ME: "I don't know."

Person: "Can you just adopt this new baby or will you have to go through all of this again."

ME: "I don't know."

Person: "Well, what does your agency say?"

ME: "Nothing...they don't know."

Person: "Can't your contact Almagul or Nigmat? How about Sveta?"

ME: "I tried. Nobody will get back to me."

Person: "Oh." Then silence.

Do you see the pattern? We actually got a letter in the mail today from the courts in Kazakhstan. Guess what? IT'S WRITTEN IN RUSSIAN! Guess what? We don't speak or read Russian! Guess what? I called Orson and he is not going to be in today. So guess who I had the privilege of dealing with? You guessed right - Kevin! Guess what Kevin said? "Fax it over and I will see if Nina can translate it." Guess who I haven't heard from since? Yup, you guessed right again...Kevin! Get the picture of my life right now? Sounds fun right?


Esther said...

Since I've dealt with over 12-15 letters from the Russian authorities in the last six months or so, I've used two Russian-English dictionaries to translate.

Professional translators are way too expensive to pay for, so I decided to do it myself. And that way I get instant results. I don't speak Russian either, other than a few friendly words and phrases to get by.

I bought the Russian-English dictionaries at Boarders or Barnes & Noble. They are readily available on the market.

Dana said...

This must be so frustrating for you to still be in the dark. You have done such a great job at dealing with all this Dawn, I know it has been difficult. I CAN'T WAIT for you to be home with Stephen and maybe anothe little one! I hope you hear from them soon.

You can also google Russian to American Translation and find website that will translate for you.

Jenni said...

If I had to go through what you've been through, I think I'd be bald right now from tearing all my hair out!

We know some Russian speaking people in our area. If you are interested, I'd be happy to try and get in contact with them to see if they could translate the document for you.

Anonymous said...

How totally frustrating for the two of you....I am so sorry to hear you still have no answers as to when you are going and what to expect when you go....I hope you get some answers soon.


Unknown said...

Sometimes the not knowing can be harder than the waiting, huh? Keeping you in prayer.

Dawn said...

OH MY Gosh, Dawn, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am that you are going through this. You are being very brave and strong, keep holding your head high.

I first logged onto your blogged when your friend posted your link on the Adoption Ark board and then a while later you shut it down, I was so happy when I clicked on to your blog and you had re-opened it. Then as I read your journey to date, I was amazed to see all that you and your FAMILY have been through, it's strange to me what some of us go through to find/have our children and others have such a smooth easy process. The agency DEFINITELY has a lot to do with it. I do know that the right child always comes into our lives no matter what it takes to get there.

I also used AIP in 2004, we went to Kazakh only to be told the day after we landed that our referral was no longer available and they were just not sure what to do with us, AMAZING. After a few days of jerking us around in Almaty they sent us to Ust for us to get jerked around there also. We ended up coming home without a child and some very broken hearts. We did some SOUL SEARCHING and a year later went to Aoption Ark and in Sept 06 we brought our beautiful boy home.

It is very sad after all of the complaints and investigations into AIP that they are still operating and causing sooooo much pain to so many.

I read your post about him and I agree with you about the "Bait and Switch" that he operates on.
I think Orson will get you back there as fast as he legally can. He wants you off his back, he knows you have a blog and there is no way he is going to hold you up. Which of course you know he is famous for and cause yet another scar to his already poor name.

I PRAY every time I come to your Blog that you are on your way to get your son and I hope you are reuntied VERY SOON. I wish you the best in getting him home safe and sound. I hope the answer's to your questions are answered soon.

I debated if I wanted to post or not and I decided I should, there are so many of us that have our sad AIP stories. I pray next time I come here you are on your way!


Jenny and Matt said...

Wow, your patience must be stretched farther than you ever imagined it could be.
This has to be over soon. I can't wait to see pics of that sweet boy AT HOME with you guys.