Sunday, June 17, 2007


My friend referred to our adoption process as chinese water torture and that couldn't be more accurate. We will NEVER EVER do this again. Adopting baby #2 is out of the question right now. Considering that this child is probably about a month old and we can't even find out if it is a boy or girl says it all. NEVER EVER AGAIN. I don't care what anyone says...the adoption process sucks and the majority of these countries have laws actually make things a million times harder to adopt. Our son is sitting and rotting away in an orphanage. I remember someone saying "No, he is being cared for and loved by the caregivers." Well, no I am sorry - I will say it again - he is sitting and rotting away in an orphanage. An orphanage is no place for a child. The caregivers are not even somewhat close to being ideal "parents" for a child.

We flew to Kazakhstan in February and here we are in June with no closure. We were told that her rights are being deprived and he is ours. WELL - WHEN? How much longer do we need to live in this hell? Right now, yes, life sucks. I am angry. This feels like it is never going to end.


Anonymous said...

Yes, life is very difficult and what you have been through is just awful....and on top of should have answers as to when you should be allowed to come bring your son home....this does hurt so much and I don't blame you for how you feel....and today is definitely another "ouch" to all you have endured.

Prayers for good news this week for you.


Thad and Ann said...

You are right, this does suck! I can't imagine how painful this is for you guys, praying you get good news soon.

Cathy said...

No pithy words of advice or comfort. Just know that you are not standing alone and that many of us continue to pray for this whole process to be completed and Stephen finally home with you.

Esther said...

yes, I agree. Orphanage life is NOT ideal, and leaves much to be desired. The little girl we went to Russia to adopt was in a babyhome that houses 120-125 children ages 0-3yrs. They have 4 staff members on the premises at all times.

Yes, FOUR staff members on the grounds at all times. How can that be OK?

I know the caregivers do the best they can and we met them all. They are absolutely lovely loving women. However, their government plight only allows a bare bones staff at the orphanage. It's heartbreaking.

Unknown said...

I am sorry you are going through this, and I don't have a clue why this is happening. I also will pray for good news for your family. You are right, the best thing is that your son comes home to words will comfort now. Lisa