Tuesday, July 03, 2007

ABC Channel 7 Eyewitness News

I just got off the phone with a young lady from Channel 7 Eyewitness News (ABC) who responded to an e-mail we sent about our story. She is going to share our story with the editor and see if they can do a story on our situation.

PLEASE...if you are a former client or current client of Orson Mozes ~ AIP ~ and you wish to speak out and are willing to talk to a reporter send me an e-mail with your contact information in case they want to follow up with you.



The Cook said...

I hope that happens for you. There have to be sooo many people who have been destroyed by him.

Brenda said...

Today local news - next Oprah? This guy needs to be exposed. I'm sorry that you have to be the one to do it because of all you have been through. Brenda

Melissa said...

I emailed them both. Anything I can do for you, let me know.

pasy said...


You contacted me about 2 years ago after your failed adoption through Orson. Please e mail me. If you have lost my home e mail, contact Anne Bentley of Little Miracles for it. She gave me his blog after escorting a friend's baby home from taraz.

Orson mus be stopped.


patsy webb

Dawn said...

Dawn, I would love to forward her our story. I have also contacted a couple that we met in Kaz and asked them to contact the DA. They did adopt a child but of course not their referral and it took them a very long time to get to Kaz. I also forwarded your blog to another AIP client that was of course being jerked around.

I emailed the DA yesterday, she responded today and said the case is still open and looking for families to come forward, she spoke to 3 of us, not enough, SAD!

Do you have an email that I can send my contact info to or an email for the reporter and I will just send her our story. I would also like to give her contact info for the DA, who knows maybe they may find the last 3 charges against him since "02" interesting. The FBI has investigated him also. I was told this by the DA.

I do not feel comfortable sharing our contact info on the blog. AIP is CRAZY and you never know. If you would ever like to chat I would be happy to do so.


Wilson Fam said...

hello...my name is sonja wilson and we used aip for our adoption in 2005. we were also lied to and decived. our 'referral' was ajoke and it is high time he faced the music! i would definately give any reporter our story.
