Friday, July 13, 2007

Good News from Attorney!

The attorney we consulted in California gave us good news today! She went through everything we had...contract, e-mails, photos, etc... She said we have an EXCELLENT case against AIP! This is great because there are many more families who want to be a part of a civil case. The litigation attorney that we were referred to has an excellent reputation for going after corrupt adoption agencies.

Naturally, the criminal case will have to be prosecuted first, but there will be a "stay" filed and once criminal charges are filed and that case goes to court - it can only strengthen the civil case.

The optimism of the lawyers has been a great boost for us. No matter how long it takes - we want AIP to pay for the suffering they have caused our family and hundreds of others.

If you are interested in being a part of the civil case please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thanks!


Jane said...

This is good news. I will hope things start going your way (finally). Good luck