Saturday, August 16, 2008

Article in Conceive Magazine

The fall 2008 issue of Conceive Magazine just hit the stands. The article that we were interviewed for is "How to Avoid an Adoption Scam" by Joan Fleischer Tamen starting on page 56. Click on the title of this post to read it. My husband thinks it makes us look like idiots. I think it is a good article. What do you all think?


Deb said...

Dawn- it does not make you rlook like idiots.

Love and hugs to you,

MichelleAnn said...

I agree that it doesn't make you look like idiots. Thanks for sharing the article. It was a great read.

Amy said...

Hey Dawn,

I just found your blog today and I have been really blessed by reading it. It helps to know there are other women who are going through the same things I am. I loved the jewish ritual for adoption loss. I am getting my wine and candles now. Thanks for sharing your heart.

Allison said...

Hello Dawm. Its been a while since I've left a comment. I don't think the article makes you look like an idiots. I think it will serve as a blinking neon notice to people that sadly you cannot simply trust other people. It really is a discouraging fact of life during our times.

I continue to pray that you and Joe will be blessed with children. I my heart I believe that it will happen one day. It took 15 years for us to find our forever children and now the pain and disappointments are long forgotten.

Best wishes,

Mirah Riben said...


I am so sorry for your loss and for your struggles.

I too have suffered have loss as a result of adoption. Many have.

I work tirelessly, and have for b=nearly 40 years to stop that from happening. I have dedicated my entire to humanzing adoptio and removing the profiteering, thus eliminating people being scammed, coerced, exploited, ripped off and children commofified.

I am David fighting Goliath. A HUGE $6.3 global industry that wants to hold onto its lucrative bubsiness tenaciously and not let go.

If you read the reviews of my first book, "shedding light on...The Dark Side of Adoption" at, you will see that RESOLVE and other organizations that serve infertile and adoptive fmailies said that those it was hard to read, it was NECESSSARY!

It was thus very hurtful to see a review on Amazon: "Awful...contradictory and biased!"

Those are extremely caustic words for someone who later said of my book:
"I fully acknowledge the atrocities committed by the adoption industry every day in the adoption world...I myself am a victim of adoption fraud and words cannot express the anguish we endured. I agree with you 100% that the industry needs a serious overhaul....I am currently researching adoption trying to gain insight into multiple perspectives. Yours provided one."

Think how you would feel if someone used harsh word like that about your Peanut Butter book which only has two reviews? It's simply not nice.

My books are EXTENSIVELY research. I know you are hurting and n pain and mad as hell! But please don't shoot the messenger, Dawn! With an entire chapter trying to help those who adopt avoid being scammed, you could have said something less damaging abput a book that while UNPLEASANT is TRUE!

I didn;t make up stories about more than a doze Ruyssian childrne being MURDERED by their Amrican adopters! This is a sin and must be exposed! people planning to adopt need to know that these kids who are institutionalized and may have bene born with FAS come with serious problems that make them hard to handle!

Those whose livelihood depends on placing children are far less than honest and forthcoming about these problems. Someones needs to expose the TRUTH to help all of us who are consumers of adoption services - most of all the innocent children.

I know these truths are specially painfully for you - but don't take that out on me. I am one of the good guys, trying to expose the scammers and clean this mess up!

If you chose not to publish this as a comment on your blog, I understand. It was just the only way I had to get in touch with you, though we are both central Jersyites - both Middlesex County!

I hope you might consider toning down the awful things you said - especially the TITLE of that review! You seem like such a good person from everything I've read about your work.
