Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Almagul just informed me that Stephen's mother came back! I have to go to court tomorrow night at 5 pm...the mother and all other parties will be present. The odds of us being granted this adoption are slim to none. I am coming home on the first flight available. God have mercy on me please.


Genevieve said...


I cannot imagine how you are feeling right now. How is this possible? You have gone through so much. You will be in my thoughts, especially today and tomorrow. I send big hugs.


Genevieve said...

PS: Sorry, I did not mean, "how is this possible" as a legal or procedural question. Intellectually, I understand the process of adopting in Kaz. I meant, "how is this possible?" in a larger, spiritual sense....

I hope that it does not take too long for the clouds to part and you will have some better understanding of this moment. I am so sorry for your and Joe's pain.

The Heinrichs said...

OH MY GOD Dawn!!! What are the chances of this happenning??? I am praying for you!!! I have faith that everything will work out for you...think positive!
Hugs ... Deanna

keoghclan said...

I am yelling No at the computer, no, no, no! This CAN NOT be!!! And Joe has already come home so you are there on your own. Dawn, I will glue myself to the computer today to hear updates from you. You may be physically alone in Ust but we are with you in spirit and prayer, I hope you can feel the support coming at you.

Keep in touch, write what you can, when you can.


Anonymous said...

Oh my heart is in my stomache.....this is absolutely devastating. I do not understand this at all, but will be praying for you. I don't know what to say....I am in total shock.


The 5 McGills said...

We'll keep you in our prayers. You and Joe have certainly had a long and difficult road. I can't begin to imagine how you must feel.

Dana said...

I am so so sorry to hear this news and I can't for the life of me understand why you and Joe must go through this. I can't even imagine the pain you're feeling but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I pray for good news tomarrow from you. Lots and Lots of Hugs to you.


Corey said...

I cannot express how sorry I am, I am praying for you and your family.
I wish you the best

Brenda said...

I am praying for you and Joe. May God give you peace at this difficult time. I cannot begin to imagine the depth of your pain. Brenda

Heidi said...

I am so sorry. No one should have to go through the amount of pain that you have had to go through. I'll be praying for you as you go to court, that the judge would give the baby to YOU. You know, Kaz should have some sort of rule that the parent has to come back by a certain date, and if they don't, parental rights are terminated. Then, that child should be shown to adoptive parents. I wonder why they can't figure that out?? I am soooo sorry.

6blessings said...

There are no words. I am praying hard.

Hannah's Mom said...


I cannot even begin to understand the depths of emotion that you are experiencing right now. Please know that you are in my prayers. Please post something as soon as you know what's going on.

Like the other poster said, you may be physically alone there, but you're not emotionally alone. We care.


Unknown said...

Where is your agency director? He needs to be there. This is unthinkable that this should happen again.Who else can you bring to court that will advocate for you? The baby house director? Minister of Ed.?You have been the only mom to this baby and I am so angry that this is happening to your family.Laura

Thad and Ann said...

oh my gosh!! Oh Dawn I am crying for you right now, this is horrible! How can she even have a chance to get him back, geez. This is awful!! I will be praying that God will grant you a miracle. I am so so sorry you have to go through this. Sending hugs-

The Cook said...

OMG I just got the message, i will call you in 20 minutes, as soon as I can get upstairs to my phone. i love you and am soooo sorry.

Genevieve said...

Oo, I love Laura's ideas. Of course your agency director should be advocating tirelessly for you; he/she IS coming to court with you, right? But having the Baby House Director come and the MOE too, that's brilliant. Is there anything we can do to help advocate stateside? I would be happy to badger, excuse me, call your agency or anyone else we can think of to help!

Karla said...

Dear Dawn: I just cannot believe this...this is horrible. What do Orson and Nigmat say??? Can they have the "mother" (YOU ARE HIS MOTHER) sign away her rights? Praying, praying, praying...I cannot imagine the pain. Wish I was there to hold you and cry with you and scream with you....Love, Karla

Kathy said...

Praying hard and thinking of you and your family all day. No one should have to endure what you and Joe have. Kathy

Chris Sapp said...

No words, just total and complete shock. I am praying for you.

Pam said...


No adoptive parent should have to go through what you have endured.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Best, Pam

Sue said...

Dawn and Joe,
There are no words for this situation. I am heartbroken for you all and I am praying for your deliverance.
It's wrong wrong wrong for this to be happening.