Tuesday, July 31, 2007


The torture continues! We have not heard anything yet other than the fact that our attorney is meeting with Oksana from the Ministry of Education tomorrow. I just pray that meeting goes well and she gets a plethora of information to share with us. Oksana truly seemed to want Stephen to be with us and cried after court once. I pray she continues to have good feelings toward us. I have found the people are very two-faced there (or at least those involved with adoption/orphanage/agency). For some reason Dr. Natalya was very nice to us when we were there ~ and very nice to our attorney initially, but the last conversation our lawyer had with her she said that Dr. Natalya was suddenly different and very cold.


Adrienne said...

Dawn - will be praying that you get good news tomorrow and also that the meeting with Oksana goes well - we liked her a lot when we were there in Nov/Dec last and found her very caring and genuine. Hopefully Dr Natalya continues to be supportive.

Praying for you both and for Stephen and his baby brother.
